
ASTRA VEICOLI INDUSTRIALI S.p.A. has as its basic objective the consolidation and development of its position in the market sector in which it operates. Achieving this objective, taking into consideration the evolution of the market towards even higher competitiveness, imposed the adoption and implementation of appropriate QualitySafety and Environmental policies whose principles are based on ensuring complete Client satisfaction, safeguarding workers’ health and protecting the environment as well as striving for continuous improvement in these areas.

Improvement means increasing the quality of the products, the services and the price while constantly reducing environmental impact and safeguarding the well-being of its workers.

PRODUCT QUALITY means, above all, guaranteeing that the product supplied satisfies the requirements specified by the Client and/or promised to the Client, and meet the implicit expectations in terms of safety, suitability for use as well as compliance with the relevant rules and regulations.

SERVICE QUALITY means, as well as fulfilling any contractual obligations, optimizing cooperation with the Client, immediate intervention when problems or complaints arise using technical competence to offer suitable solutions to the Client.

PRICE QUALITY means, above all, reducing direct and indirect costs arising from “non-quality”, that is from errors or failure which increase the total cost of the product